sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

This is a very cute picture of Larry Scott flexing on the beach for a little boy.

This image is very important. Our Consumer Culture teaches that manliness is BOUGHT. If you buy the right clothes, own a big house, drive a fast car, then you’re Manly. WRONG! Manliness is produced and nurtured by Fighting. NOTHING ELSE. You CAN’T BUY MANLINESS. Boys and young men NEED to see and experience Manliness. They need mentors and models to look up to, to emulate. Our Consumer Culture, for boys and young men, is TOXIC. Remember all you fighters out there, you are being closely watched by boys and young men. They NEED your example of what it means to be Manly. Always always seek Manliness. Train and Fight, ALWAYS.

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